Monday, September 11, 2006

Katrina devastation up close

The roof of the Superdome also sustained damage, and as repairs are underway it now sports a satirical flag forbidding hurricanes. For additional shots of ruined property around town one may look at a walk my friend took around his neighborhood the January following the storm. Ask yourself, do you think that it is right to take pictures on disaster tours?


BYOB said...

Although this flag seems original and funny it may not prevent an other hurricane to hit New Orleans once again.

Liz said...

YES. The New Orleans Superdome is not safe from another hurricane because of a flag.

Anonymous said...

I think it's simply black humor. People has suffer so much that it's maybe a way for them to think about it in a less dramatic way.
But it's also awful to see how New Orleans was still devastated months and months after the hurricane.

Liz said...

Yes. Exactly.